3 min

Common Questions Answered.

Common Questions Answered.

Who is our target customer? What do we provide these customers? And how fast can we deliver our value?

SEAD's target customer is C-suite executives in any small-medium sized vertical market. We have served everything from real-estate, to health care, to financial services, to food distribution manufacturing and everything in between. The use cases are endless but our clientele starts with the C-suite executive who wants to drive technology efficiencies in his or her organization custom to their needs.

SEAD provides these C-suite executives with a web-based portal that is custom suited to their needs. This customization includes actionable analytics experience that is permissioned and accessible from the C-suite level down to associates within the company.

The analytics portal can connect to any data source and provide algorithmic insights to help improve efficiencies in any department of the company on a single portal(sales, supply chain, finance, etc...). It connects our clients and enables them to utilize and communicate their massive amounts of raw data into actionable information in a way they never could before. This utilization does not just end on internal use but can expand towards external use to increase revenue, rapport, and retention.

SEAD's timeline ranges on the scope of each project, yet we typically deliver value within 2 weeks to a month on every project. Unlike our competitors who try to provide a complete solution which takes months or years to produce, SEAD focuses on delivering a solution the evolves from one component to another.

Each component builds towards the completed solution as our clients derive value and vision as they learn to use our software. As the partnership becomes more comprehensive, so do the capabilities of the software, expanding into new aspects of the business.

Contact SEAD to begin optimizing your business!