5 min

Adapting to Change

Adapting with low code, no code

Software has become such a deeply imbedded and crucial aspect of nearly every business. The phrase “tech company” is essentially ubiquitous at this point. As technology continues to intertwine itself in all business, the importance of reliable and efficient systems becomes paramount. A situation arises where companies who may not have done so in the past, choose to invest more money and time into improving their technological framework.

Technology is the new oil, in fact that might be an understatement. Just compare the five biggest American companies from 70 years ago to the five biggest today. In 1955, the list is as follows: General Motors, US Steel, General Electric, Chrysler, and Standard Oil of NJ. These five companies represented three different industries, with some overlap between the automobile giants and the oil giant. Even in 1990 the list looks similar with GM, Ford, Exxon, IBM, and GE at the top. Today? The top five list belongs to one industry. Here they are: Apple, Microsoft, ALPHABET, Amazon, Facebook. An argument could be made that Amazon falls outside the tech industry, but when you consider how integral AWS has become to their growth it is a hard argument to defend. It goes without saying that tech has taken the wheel with regards to the US economy, and it has done so rapidly in accordance with the advancement of technology in general.

These developments in the broader business landscape should be driving at least some degree of decision-making for any company looking to grow and become more prosperous. The failure to embrace technology for one’s business, at this point, is done so at one’s peril. It is a risky game to play, and the assumption that these technological trends will slow or potentially changed is not supported by the available evidence. Increasingly it is clear that proper investment will yield desirable results. These investments may even fundamentally change elements of the business in a way that shifts focus more on tech in a variety of ways. Consider something as simple as your company website. Never has it been more important for your website to be representative of your business as a whole. It needs to be professional above all else, people expect nothing less in 2022.

The rapid nature of change with regards to technology makes executives incumbent on staying on top of the latest trends. Falling just a few months behind can cause problems which grow exponentially. On the other hand, getting ahead of trends before they are widely known can produce spectacular results for any business. Adaptation is and has always been the cornerstone of evolution. This is as true for business as it is for humanity in general.

Here is where Low-Code | No-Code technology truly shines and shows its value. When you integrate your company with the Low-Code | No-Code technology that is offered by SEAD, adaptation becomes seamless. Since the development is simplified, as the tech landscape rapidly advances so can your company. The sometimes overwhelming pace of change can be mitigated. Seemingly large tasks can be completed in a fraction of the time thanks to this new computational ability. Now, when some new trend arises, your business can implement relevant changes in a matter of days or even hours rather than months. Execution is everything, and timing that execution perfectly has never been as important.