3 min

4 Reasons Low Code Fails

4 Things to be sure to Avoid

When it comes to application development, low-code platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is largely due to the fact that they allow employees with little to no coding experience to create applications.

However, despite the many benefits of using a low-code platform, there are still some risks involved. Just because this new technology lowers the bar to entry for development and has many convenient tools, it does not mean that it is always going to create the perfect product.

So, what are some of the most common reasons why low-code projects fail? Here are four of the most common:

1. Lack of governance

One of the most common reasons why low-code projects fail is due to a lack of governance. When it comes to application development, it’s important to have clear guidelines and procedures in place in order to ensure that the final product meets all of the necessary requirements. Without proper governance, it’s easy for low-code projects to quickly become chaotic and unorganized.

2. Inflexible technology

Another common reason for low-code project failure is inflexible technology. In order for a low-code platform to be successful, it needs to be able to adapt and evolve as the needs of the business change. If the technology is inflexible, it will eventually become outdated and no longer meet the needs of the business.

3. Unrealistic expectations

Another common reason why low-code projects fail is because of unrealistic expectations. When it comes to application development, it’s important to set realistic goals and expectations from the start. If the goals are unrealistic, it’s likely that the project will never be completed or that the final product will be of poor quality.

4. No clear plan or strategy

Finally, another common reason for low-code project failure is a lack of planning and strategy. For a low-code project to be successful, it’s important to have a clear plan and strategy in place from the start. Without a plan, it’s easy for the project to get off track. Once things become unfocused it can be hard to realign, sometimes it even requires starting from scratch.

If you’re considering using a low-code platform for your next application development project, it’s important to keep these common pitfalls in mind. By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be more likely to set your project up for success.

SEAD Software provides governance, flexible technology, a clear strategy, and realistic expectations so that your business can focus on what it does best. Consider utilizing SEAD's low code | no code technology for your business needs; our team is happy to help you get started!